Tuesday, October 06, 2009


I did a swap. On Etsy. It was great. I spotted these chooks one day and we got chatting- we both really liked what the other one did so decided to do a swap. Sandi's shop is called Benandi and we were both very excited when I respective plushies arrived!

I was very excited to get a chicken from Kansas- I called him Reginald Rooster:

How divine is the fabric?- Its even better in real life!!! Its vintage fabric Sandi found in her grandmothers garage.
Sandi got one of my wabbits from here called Rosa -Lee

Neither of us are letting our children get their filthy little mits on them.

Reginald is all mine.
if you haven't already scroll down to enter my giveaway....


  1. Reginald the Rooster is awesome. How cute is that fabric.

  2. I love that alphabet fabric!! Good rooster action ...

  3. swaps are fun!! i did one with the Etsy DUST team last month - should take some pics as I got a FAB handmade apron!

  4. He just has Reginald written all over him (and that fabric! Oh my, that fabric!)

  5. Thankyou for your lovely feedback my way x. Hi to Reg! Ilove how you have both made the eyes on your toys


what a nice person you are- taking the time to comment in this busy hectic world...Thank you!!