Saturday, March 13, 2010

Do you ever wish?

Do you ever wish you could talk to your dog?
 Just for ten minutes?
Ohh to have a conversation with him....*sigh*.....
 To tell him how much I love and appreciate him. How much I appreciate the patience he shows with his demanding "sister", how he lays still when she covers him in blankets and cuddles him and kisses him and drags him by the collar and he just sighs loudly and looks up to be rescued.
I wonder what his voice would be like? Deep I think.
But just ten minutes so I could make sure he really understood that even though there is a little human here now, he is till my best buddy. Still what makes me feel like I am home, still makes me smile when he chases me up the driveaway when I get home and I watch him in the side mirror and he looks so funny. And that I know he is getting a bit older and a bit greyer but that I will always look after him.
To make sure he really understood that he is so important in our family. And what would he ask me?
I often wonder... wouldn't it be great to know??


  1. This is a lovely, lovely post :-) I feel the same way about my Dog: he's so patient and loving, you just hope they know how much their appreciated.

  2. Awwww this is the sweetest thing, I really do know just how you feel. He has such a beautiful face :)

  3. oh, you made me cry! I have wished this more than anything several times this year. i'm hoping that I already knew the answer to my question, and that I got it right :(

  4. aww that was beautiful! I feel exactly the same way with our fury babies! We nearly lost one of ours last month which brings home just how special they are. I tell them all the time and I like to think they understand :)

  5. I do wish, but I hope they know. I love my dogs.

  6. Such great timing for this post! We just picked up our new doggie this morning. Our local animal shelter just rescued him in the nick of time as he was about to be put down at the pound. I wish I could let him know this is his home now cos he's just a pup and I'm guessing he's been moved around a fair bit in his short life! Oh and I'd also love to tell our old boy that we still love him completely and that he hasn't been replaced!

  7. Ooh! I so wish this sometimes! I worry that Pepper doesn't realise how much I love her!

  8. I know exactly what you mean! I wish I could ask my cat if she is happy. She is such an important part of my life.

  9. such timing ~ i've just walking in and sat down at the computer after spending 10 minutes on our bed cuddling and chatting to our labrador! i was only thinking today (as i chatted to him in the kitchen while cleaning up) how lovely it was that our house, and him, and us, were all suited to him living inside.
    you're so right, i hope they realise how absolutely precious they are to us!

  10. Oh so cute and true. Family dogs are soooo patient wit the little ones. They are parents in their own right, truly. xo m.

  11. oooohhhh, how sweet... I often feel the same way about my sweet little dog, she's so patient when my little 3yr old pulls her around everywhere... Lovely post..

    Jodie :)

  12. I got a bit teary reading this post. I love my old boy here and he has just started to sit at the bottom of the hill and wait for me to come back on our morning walks. Hes slowing down, hes getting older and hes going blind. You know I'll be a mess..for a week, maybe a month xx

  13. How lovely. You put into words what a lot of us feel about our puppy dogs. Can I quote you?

  14. oh what a beautiful doggie you have. and what a beautiful post. i have wondered this too with my pets but sometimes i think they know already xx

  15. Look at those eyes!
    Your pup reminds me of our family dog which I called Boston Bun because that's what we had for morning tea on the day we picked him up...!

  16. You made my heart sing. What a beautiful post.


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