Monday, October 17, 2011

Thank you.

Thank you so much for all the lovely emails and comments left after the last 2 posts. Lots of people who told me they have never commented on a blog have sent such lovely emails to me and lots of people who buy regularly from My Bearded Pigeon  too.  Thank you ever so much.

We have felt very supported by some lovely friends who are unfazed by my sudden bursting into tears and have offered so many wonderful things. I know it is hard to know what to say and I don't expect anyone to have any answers. I have felt this way before and sadly I will probably feel it again. I know we will get through this, we have each other and we have a little Busy who refuses to allow us to be too sad for very long. 

Craft will some resume. I have some new cushions coming up!

(make a library catalog card here, via Tinniegirl. )


  1. There are a lot of amazing people out there. Glad you are finding the silver lining in your cloud.

  2. Nice list Cath. Keep hanging in there. Cxxx

  3. Tkae it easy Cath. Things will be here when you feel up to facing them again.

    Kids are good that way, aren't they?

    As someone also headed off on an exotic holiday (in my case, this time in 2 days I will be there), I hope that this gives you some time to look forward to.

  4. Oh Cath, I'm just catching up now on this sad news. So dreadful, just so dreadful...keep up the positive energy. I'm sending some your way too. xx

  5. Miss Busy - keeping you focused on RIGHT HERE and RIGHT NOW....
    I hope the holiday is restful and lovely and everything a holiday should be.

  6. I just read your last 2 posts. WOW. Sending much love and peace to you as you process and grieve for your friends and I hope you get the space to do that xx

  7. I'm so pleased there is a bit of sunshine for you in this crappy and sad time. I feel like counting down the days until your trip for you I am that excited. xx

  8. Your upcoming vacation sounds just wonderful! Glad to hear that the Etsy shop is doing so well - I peek in from time to time to see what you have and there is lots of handmade goodness to choose from in your shop =-)

  9. I've just read your previous posts dear girl...what a tragedy...
    And I feel inspired by your gratitude...thank you...


what a nice person you are- taking the time to comment in this busy hectic world...Thank you!!