Thursday, December 22, 2011

Its been a crazy year.

On the business front My Bearded Pigeon the little business I started this time last year has done well, many of you were right in your very early predictions of success- and thank you to so many of you who have bought cushions some of you who have bought many many cushions. For those of you who have featured them on their blog leading to other people buying cushions, thank you.

On the personal front this year has been very sad. This year the world  lost 3 magnificent women all in their early 40's way way way to young to leave us.  One left us after a battle with cancer, leaving a young family and loving partner and close extended family. We miss her and are sad for those left behind.

In October many of you will remember the helicopter accident in New York? Our friends were on board. Helen had surprised Sonni for her 40th birthday with not only a trip to New York but she had arranged for Sonni's  parents to meet them at the top of the Empire State building.  The next day they all went on a helicopter ride  over Manhattan. Tragically the helicopter crashed quickly after take off, Sonni was killed instantly. Helen died a few weeks later in hospital and Sonni's mother a few weeks after that.  The shock and cumulative effect of this was overwhelming at times. Thank goodness for a little Busy who never lets you be sad for very long. My heart aches for their families at such loss at this time more than ever.

I have also decided to donate money from My Bearded Pigeon to a new cause. My Kiva loans are ticking over nicely and as the money can be re-loaned to someone new after it is repaid I feel as it it may be time to support something new as well as re-loan those loans coming back in. (If you would like to join the crafty bloggers Kiva team just send me an email.)

 I have decided on Medecins San Frontier , Doctors Without Borders. Health workers go into places that are so dangerous they are risking their own lives by providing medical attention to people who need it most, it is so brave.

I will continue to support Asylum Seekers Resource Centre with the below cushion- that was once called "grossly irresponsible" as it "promotes Australia as a place where they should come to". Yes, as I am quite sure people fleeing from persecution are looking at my etsy shop on their i-pads deciding to go to Australia because they saw that their are cushions welcoming them. After the sickening and horrific events of the last few days now more than ever I feel like I want to support ASRC and the amazing work they do.

I think about this stuff a lot at Christmas and especially after yesterdays chuck out. We have so much. So so much and so many people have so little. We have a life that is so easy. We don't have to worry about bombs going off or if our loved ones will return from work. We don't have to worry about being killed for what we say or what we disagree with the government about. We have access to clean water never more than a few metres away. We don't have to worry about dying in child birth. We don't have to worry about our children dying of diseases fixed by a short hospital admission.  We have access to good health care. We have access to good clean food. We have stable housing. We have jobs we like. We have a family we love. We have a healthy and vibrant child. We are lucky. I want to help those that aren't so lucky, and remember that at people are suffering in ways we cannot imagine and we need to remember and do even the smallest thing we can to pitch in. 
Please tell me: why you are lucky?

Stay safe. x


  1. What a beautiful post.
    I just feel lucky for so many of the reasons you have identified.
    Lucky also to have found so many lovely blog friends!!
    Happy holidays lovely.

  2. What a beautiful post.
    I just feel lucky for so many of the reasons you have identified.
    Lucky also to have found so many lovely blog friends!!
    Happy holidays lovely.

  3. I am so lucky in every way possible.

    I have two healthy children, a job, a home, I have pretty good health and the means to access assistance if I am not well.

    My eldest will go to a free public school next year and get an excellent education.

    My biggest worry is the worms keep dying in the worm farm and which salads to pick for Christmas day. I often remind myself of how lucky I am, and continue to throw out bags of stuff to the oppie too. It makes me feel good in so many ways.

  4. It's making me all teary.I'm so lucky because I have my family around me. I'm also remembering a little girl who doesn't have her father this year.

  5. Oh Cath this is a beautiful post. It hardly seems fair though.
    Why am I lucky? SO many reasons. Just one...because I am loved and supported by my partner, adored by my three little loves. Sometimes I'm barely worthy but I feel so very blessed.

  6. Such a wonderful post Cath. Really happy to hear that you're supporting MSF. Their wonderful work was again brought home to me last night watching a documentary on SBS about Ethiopia. It had me sobbing...and made me grateful for everything I have and very often take for granted.

  7. I couldn't even begin to start to count the ways in which I am lucky - it would take forever. Good health, a beautiful husband and 2 girls that take my breath away every day that we even made them. A beautiful home, many, many friends and family healthy and still with us. I try and remember this each and every day. This post if another reminder - thank you for sharing with us. Merry Christmas x

  8. cath, this is such a moving post! i have been practising gratitude daily. my mum is terminally ill and this weighs heavy in my heart. i'm practising seeing beauty in the small things. my healthy children, a home, spring water to drink, lovely online friends... and much, much more.
    happy holidays to you,
    much love x

  9. Beautiful post Chooky.
    I feel lucky in every way right now but the best of all is that this morning, my Indi told me she is the luckiest girl in the whole world and sat there and listed all the reasons why. She is 11 and so all over the place emotionally. Her list just swept me off my feet. I still cannot wipe the smile off my face. x
    I use the spray every day and the shampoo and conditioner and bubble bath too.

  10. I'm feeling lucky that I have such good doctors to look after the baby and I during my pregnancy. :)

  11. It's kind of a long story...but the guts of it is, good people in my life- friends to laugh and cry and be silly with. Not everyone has that- I am lucky and thankful for the lovelies in my life. 2012 has been a year I'll happily say goodbye to and start fresh on, actually, sorry to hear about those deaths of your friends.

  12. Hmm. I'm lucky because the only thing I want is a 4WD hilux so we can go camping and tow another caravan or camper. Who actually NEEDS those things to survive? No one. I am lucky because I want for NOTHING, the only wants I have a material and unimportant.

  13. Such a beautiful post. I'm so pleased you brought it to my attention. It's funny how we sometimes have similar reflections across the blogger sphere.
    We are lucky to live in the country we do.

  14. This is so true. We are fortunate to be where we are. I feel lucky that we are safe and will experience a wonderful Christmas with gifts, food and family. Tonight at work I had a photo of a little boy, tiny thing, who was shovelling mud out of his home In the Philippines which had been flooded in Washi. I thought to myself how that was how he was going to spend Christmas. I truly feel lucky.

  15. I love the way you think, Ms Chooky.

    Every day I think of how lucky I am to have been born in a time and place where I have so much freedom and choice, and ahem... basic human rights. I thank my lucky stars every day that I have a happy, healthy child. It doesn't matter what else happens, these gifts are SO MUCH MORE than many people live with each day.

    Wishing you and yours a happy and safe holiday season and a fabulous 2012, Cath. xxxn

  16. Hmmm, sounds like your cleaning your head space as well as your house. Me too! 10 garbage bags of crap have left this building over the last 2 weeks!!

    I'm lucky because I get the opportunity to do what I want to do. I want to be a "mostly home" parent, I do that. I want to work casually, I do that. I want to make and create, I do that. I want to give to charity (I'm on my 3rd kiva loan), I do that. I want to love, hug, cry, support and be with my loved ones, I do that. I don't live in fear of saying my piece, I don't fear for my children's future and I have the support of good medicine and education for our family. Yes Cathy, lucky, very lucky indeed.

    Merry merry to you and yours xx

  17. You certainly have had a rollercoaster of a year.

    I feel lucky in so so many ways. To have all the people I love be safe and healthy, living in great comfort in a place of beauty. I could elaborate but really that is all anyone could ask for.

    Merry Christmas .xx.

  18. It has been a huge year for you and the family! Sending my absolute best wishes for 2012. May you have a rich, full year xx

  19. What a wonderful post. Yes yes and yes to it all! I often say to my girls they are so lucky they don't even KNOW how lucky they are... and just as often quietly think that I am too :) Great post - thanks Cath. Merry happy things and hope you have a great holiday. Kx

  20. Lucky to have bloggy mentors (and friends!) like you, Ms. Cath!


what a nice person you are- taking the time to comment in this busy hectic world...Thank you!!