Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Creative Space: balance

Balancing- not going under yet... but barely keeping head above water some days..... rattles, rattles, rattles ,then a few of this cushion then a crazy amount of the others, flying out the door.... have literally doubled production to keep up.... thank goodness I have help with the actual sewing.... the admin alone is crazy.... this is what I always wanted.... to be making real money from my craft.... but concerned over the amount of time it takes up.... too nervous to cut work hours back.... knowing it is going to get even busier over the next few months- in fact I just found out this morning that a big feature I thought was going to be in a couple of months is on this SUNDAY!!!! (EEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppp)  worried about Busy... am I hanging with her enough? What is enough?  I think I need to set specific work hours or something??
After this lot I think a break in rattle production is called for. I want to make something for Busy, for myself... plus I just want to sit down one night without  hand sewing something.

Find some  perky up beat Creative Spaces here, thanks Kirsty.


  1. Look at you and your lovely self.
    The balance will come. ;)


  2. I'm so excited for you! Such success! But I hear the tired, worried you too. I have no answers. Sorry lol! I guess because you are aware of the need for balance, you'll find it. And I guess balance if different for everyone. Congratulations on all your success! Been awhile since I popped xox

  3. That is awesome that you have done so well with your business, though Im not surprised, its all lovely! Work/family/life balance is a hard one, especially when your doing it from home and literally trying to juggle so much in a day. Take care.

  4. it's fabulous that your business is going so well, but I hope you find a way to regain the balance...

  5. What a gorgeous photo Cath. Love it.

    I've heard people talk specifically about this stage in business growth. It's the time where your business is really taking off and has so much potential, but isn't big enough yet for you to buy in the additional resources that you really need to get the job done. It's that hard in between space. Hang in there, you'll come out the other side with better balance and your dreams continuing to come true.

    Just a thought, I know a lot of the American woman artists/creative business owners whose blogs I read often talk about having interns to assist them. It provides a great opportunity for someone interested in the creative fields to get a real understanding of how creative business works. Could you look at something like that to help with some of the admin of the business.

    I remember a long, long time ago you posted about the whole handmade/homemade perspective. Now here you are facing some of the same challenges. Life's a funny thing hey?

    I am so excited for your success Cath. Really, truly, ruly. xxx

  6. Oh Cath, I'm so happy for you that things have taken off! So proud that all your hard work and creativity are being acknowledged and clamoured for :) Balance is very important though - you will find the way that suits you best, but please don't think that you have to be "available" all the time for Busy and neglect yourself and your interests. You won't be happy and that won't be good for her. You are such a motivated and inspiring role model for her just as you are :) Kx

  7. So great to hear that things are taking off for you - I love your cushions so can understand the appeal. Couldyou get some one in to handle some of the admin for you?

  8. Just breathe.
    Keep doing it.
    Andi x

  9. So proud of you!
    Balance is something I have thinking about too. Things have been crazy 'round here as well...though not actually getting paid for it yet :)
    It's tricky but, good that you are thinking and wondering about it. Deep breaths and a little bit of a leap of faith.

  10. Congratulations on your work, it's so wonderful to be so busy & being rewarded for your craft, good for you! I think as women we always will struggle a little with the guilt of balancing work & children, a well earned break will be nice though I bet!

  11. still new here, but it's all sounding pretty exciting. can understand the panicky feeling, but at least it's for something great :)

  12. ahhh, balance. That's a constant struggle for me. Good luck as you navigate it and well done you for making money from your craft!

  13. I understand the panicky feeling all too well, especially right now. As long as you are aware that balance is an important thing, you will achieve it. Be proud of yourself.

  14. Hi Cath
    I attended a leadership training course (for work) last night and the trainer (sam) talked about how to get balance and how to manage time and committments. Sam showed us how to write a default diary and how to use a 5 things technique to get on top of our to-do lists. It was so helpful and I can apply it to all aspects of my life, not just work. Looking at your week laid out into blocks of time helps you to prioritise and decide what to let go of. It is a task to work on and refine over time. Ad=sking the hard questions is a postive exercise. Good luck with the answers.

  15. Hope the scales tip into balance soon and the journey is interesting meanwhile. I have these feelings all the time too and I have to remind myself not to be too hard on myself. We are our worst enemy at times, hard on ourselves as well as being judge and jury. I'm sure you are managing better than you feel you are.


  16. Congratulations on your successes! All the best with finding balance, it is one of the trickiest to find and keep but nothing is more worthwhile. Take Care, Alisa.

  17. I was listening to a interview with Trelise Cooper (NZ fashion designer). She said that achieving your dreams is not a straight flight to the highest peak - lots of ups and downs. And that yes, she might be living her dream, but that doesnt' mean it's not crazy busy and stressful sometimes. But would she be doing anything else? No.

    Hang in there!

  18. Just loving that portrait of you Cath.
    You can find the balance - I know you will. You may need to let something go, and only you will be able to decide what it is, and how much of it needs letting go of. Maybe it's the rattles, maybe it's 9-5'll become clearer.
    It truly is exciting to see this creative side coming together for you so beautifully, all of that hard work is paying off. Go you!

  19. So glad for your success but I know that everything has a down side. Number one priority is look after yourself!
    Setting specific work hours is a great idea after all this is a real business and you should definately have business hours. I've read other people on this subject and some suggestions are actually doing things to set yourself up to work like wearing a specific set of clothes or having a specific spot or even as far as walking out your front door at 10 to 9 and then walking back through your door at 9 just like you would for work then work it in reverse at the end of your working day. This is all assuming your still working from home lol! I'm sure you'll find the balance and in the mean time check out one of my latest illustrations designed specifically for busy mummy's.

  20. Congrats on being so busy, but I hear you on balance. You'll find it - you'll just know. Enjoy this time!

  21. Like Andi said, (she's wise that one).

    Breathe. And repeat.

    (and hang in there too chook) xx

  22. well done Cath, you deserve so much for all your hard work.
    love, LOVE that pic, you look so calm & just beautiful!

    and yes...remember to breathe ♥

  23. Balance is the hardest thing to achieve.
    I'm glad you are busy , and hope that the balance settles naturally ito what is best for you ...

    (how is chef?)

  24. I just love that picture so much.
    It sounds mighty crazy full on up there. But you came up with a winner and you are awesome and creative and talented and you'll sort out a way to deal with the full onness I know it.
    Can't wait to see what Sunday brings. XX

  25. Lovely photo Cath. You sound busy. You can do it!

  26. A bit late, Cath but i have just caught up with this post, and I am pleased for you and feeling all the stuff for you at the same time!
    I wonder what you will be up to in a year's time?
    Good luck - hang in there, it will be good x


what a nice person you are- taking the time to comment in this busy hectic world...Thank you!!