In Australia today 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 5-6 boys will be sexually assaulted by the time they are 25. Overwhelming the perpetrator will be known to the victim in some way. It won't be a stranger. Many of us grew up being terrified of these " strangers" who were going to offer us lollies and drag us into a car. Yes, it happens but VERY rarely. ( A lot more rarely than the media would have us believe)
In my other job, I am involved in a school program dispelling myths about sexual assault and domestic violence with Year 10 highschool students ( about 15-16 years old)
Myths like if a girl is wearing a short skirt and or is really drunk she is asking for it, are addressed in a way that allows young people to discuss who they really think is at fault when someone is sexually assaulted. Who is responsible?
Possibly the best resource for kids I have ever come across is this book.
Everyone's Got a Bottom , Written by Tess Rowley and Illustrated by Jodi Edwards. (
Sally posted about it a while ago and reminded me how good it is) I have not been asked to review it nor am I giving any away I just think it is a great book.
It is hard to talk about this stuff with the smalls without completely freaking them out ( like in your head you might be thinking if anyone touches you just tell mummy so she can kill them). This book allows you to introduce the topic with the little ones and would be a good way of reinforcing the issues with older ones. It is recommended for 3-8 year olds. Busy at 4, loves it. The first time I read it to her she wanted it read over and over and over and she still asks it to be read to her all the time.
It is teaching children about keeping their bodies safe. Starting out with looking after your body, washing it, how girls and boys have differant "parts". It uses the correct words and has some illustrations that are very child friendly. It repeats the mantra on every page "From my head to my toes I say what goes". It talks about privacy and what is ok and what it not ok. "Maybe someone you know and like might want to show you their private parts" etc ... it talks about being able to tell Mum and Dad everything.
I cannot recommend this book more highly- I really honeslty think, EVERY child should read this book. It talks about a serious and scary topic in a very matter of fact way, with very clear and concrete messages for the smalls. Maybe you could ask your local library to buy it? I bet they would.
If you need to talk to someone about Sexual Assault
here are some resources.
You can
buy the book online from Family Planning Queensland but google it and you may find it some where closer to home.
* sorry about my very average photos of the book.